• Nope! SoulFlora is a State Licensed Recreational Cannabis Dispensary and only requires you to be 21 or older. Please have an id present upon arrival. We also offer a 10% discount for medical marijuana card holders.

  • SoulFlora is located right off Rt. 23 South, in Lakeland Plaza, West Milford, NJ.

    2713 NJ-23 #5A, Newfoundland, NJ 07435

    Get Directions

  • Sales and promotions vary but often include free gifts and or a significant discount in savings. However, SoulFlora is happy to offer everyday discounts for new customers and those who help our community.

    20% New Customers
    20% Veterans
    15% Hometown Heroes (EMS, Polices, Teachers, etc.)
    10% Seniors
    10% NJMM Card Holders

  • At SoulFlora, our mission is to offer a personalized, comfortable, and enriching shopping experience to our community in New Jersey. We believe that cannabis has the power to enhance lives and foster wellbeing, and we're committed to guiding and educating our community on their journey to discovering the best products for their needs.

    With an unwavering commitment to excellence, we curate a selection of cannabis products that meet the highest standards of quality and safety. Each product we carry is rigorously tested and thoughtfully chosen, ensuring you receive nothing but the best.

    But our mission goes beyond just providing exceptional products. We take immense pride in our community and are dedicated to giving back and supporting the causes that matter most. Through various initiatives and partnerships, we aim to uplift and empower our community, fostering unity and creating opportunities for growth.

    Together, we're not just a dispensary – we are a family. Our doors are open to everyone, whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a curious first-timer. Step into our warm and inviting space, where you'll find not only high-quality cannabis products but also a friendly and knowledgeable team ready to assist you.

    Join us as we embark on this exciting journey, built on values of compassion, and community. At SoulFlora, we're not just here to provide cannabis – we're here to make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

  • At SoulFlora, our core values revolve around honesty and integrity, guiding every aspect of our operations to deliver exceptional experiences and build trust with our valued community. Embrace the opportunity to lead and inspire, fostering a workplace built on trust, respect, and empowerment.

    If you are passionate about the plant, have exceptional customer service, and enjoy being a part of a team that unifies and empowers the community, we would love to hear from you. Join our team today!

  • In accordance with the provisions outlined in the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act (N.J.S.A. § 24:6I-31 et seq.) and the guidelines established by the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (N.J.A.C. § 17:30-1.1 et seq.), individuals aged 21 and above enjoy the privilege of possessing and engaging with cannabis and its associated items. Nonetheless, these privileges come with distinct parameters aimed at fostering conscientious consumption and safeguarding the well-being of the public. Notable restrictions encompass the following:

    ● Cannabis cannot be consumed in public places. This includes streets, parks, and other areas accessible to the public. Cannabis use is restricted to private residences. However, landlords may prohibit cannabis use on their property.

    ● Adults can possess up to six ounces of cannabis and 17 grams of oils, concentrates, or hashish without facing legal penalties. Possession of amounts above these limits can result in criminal charges.

    ● Driving under the influence of cannabis is strictly prohibited. The state enforces strict DUI laws similar to those for alcohol.

    ● Employers are allowed to maintain drug-free workplaces. This means they can prohibit the use of cannabis during work hours, and they can test employees for cannabis use.

    ● It is illegal to distribute cannabis to minors or to enable the consumption of cannabis by minors.

    ● Consumers may only buy cannabis products from state-licensed retail locations (i.e., dispensaries).

    ● In each transaction, a consumer may only buy up to the equivalent of 28.35 grams or 1 ounce of usable cannabis. This means up to:

    ● 28.35 grams (1 ounce) of dried flower, or

    ● 4 grams of solid cannabis concentrates or resin, or the equivalent of 4 grams of concentrate in liquid form (solution in milliliters), or

    ● 4 grams of vaporized formulations (oil), or

    ● 1,000 mg of multiple ingestible cannabis-infused products (10 100 mg packages) like gummies.

    ● All transactions are subject to New Jersey sales tax of 6.625% plus a social equity excise fee of ⅓ of 1%.

    ● It is illegal to transport cannabis across state lines.

    ● A consumer may give up to 1 ounce of cannabis to another adult 21 years or older. A consumer may not accept any payment or compensation for the gifted cannabis.

    This serves as a concise overview, yet the landscape of laws and regulations governing cannabis usage in New Jersey harbors an array of intricate details and subtleties. To ensure the utmost accuracy and currency, it is advisable to refer to the official resources provided by the New Jersey state government or engage in dialogue with a qualified legal expert.

  • Cannabis, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, is gaining recognition for its potential therapeutic advantages. However, like any substance, it is not devoid of risks and potential drawbacks, some of which could be substantial. The manifestation of these effects can differ significantly, influenced by variables such as the user's age, overall health, consumption frequency, product potency, and individual genetic traits.

    Among the immediate repercussions of cannabis consumption is a state of intoxication, characterized by altered sensory perception, heightened euphoria, and an increased appetite. While many individuals find these sensations enjoyable, in isolated instances, they can result in perilous consequences, including accidents or hazardous actions due to compromised motor skills and judgment. Cannabis has been found to lower blood pressure which could increase the risk of potentially falling. In certain scenarios, substantial doses can provoke feelings of anxiety, paranoia, or an uncomfortable high.

    Extended and frequent use holds the potential for adverse outcomes, reminiscent of respiratory issues, such as chronic bronchitis and lung infections—particularly when cannabis is smoked. It is vital to recognize that different methods of cannabis intake entail varying risks. For instance, edibles can yield more potent and enduring effects, heightening the risk of an unpleasant or detrimental encounter, especially for inexperienced users. Moreover, there is a concern of accidental ingestion, particularly in the case of children.

    As societal acceptance and accessibility of cannabis expand, comprehending its possible side effects becomes imperative. Those contemplating cannabis consumption should be well-informed about these potential hazards. Adults must contemplate their personal medical history, inherent genetic susceptibilities, and other factors when evaluating the pros and cons. As with any substance, adopting moderation and responsible use is of utmost importance. Should you or someone you know be grappling with cannabis-related concerns, seek professional assistance.

  • Cannabis items exhibit a range of strengths, a characteristic often dictated by their cannabinoid composition – primarily tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Here's a concise overview detailing how the potency of cannabis can vary across distinct product categories:

    Flower: The conventional smokable variant of cannabis. The potency of flower is typically gauged by its THC percentage. On average, most strains contain 10-20% THC, though more potent strains can escalate to 25-30% or beyond.

    Edibles: These encompass food and beverages infused with cannabis. Due to differing THC metabolism when ingested, the effects of edibles can be more pronounced and prolonged compared to smoking or vaping. Edibles are often quantified in milligrams of THC, with beginners advised to start with 5-10mg doses, while experienced users might consider up to 50mg.

    Concentrates: These represent highly potent cannabis iterations, including oil, wax, shatter, and resin. Concentrates are commonly employed for dabbing or vaping and can harbor 60-90% THC, significantly surpassing flower in potency.

    Topicals: These are cannabis-infused lotions, creams, and oils meant for direct skin application. Primarily used for localized relief of discomfort and inflammation, topicals generally lack the psychoactive effects linked with THC.

    Tinctures: Tinctures are cannabis extracts mixed with alcohol or other carrier oils. They can be consumed orally or added to food and beverages. The strength of tinctures can vary extensively, prompting a close examination of the label for cannabinoid content and recommended serving size.

    Bear in mind, individual reactions to cannabis can diverge based on factors such as body chemistry, tolerance, and consumption method. Commence with a modest quantity, particularly if you're new to cannabis or experimenting with a fresh product, and await its effects before considering more. Additionally, while our aim is to offer accurate and current information, this post does not replace medical guidance. Always consult a healthcare professional or a knowledgeable dispensary staff member if you have specific queries concerning the right product and dosage.

  • Ensuring a secure and responsible encounter with cannabis is paramount, particularly for those embarking on this journey for the first time. The following guidelines are designed to foster a safe, pleasurable, and conscientious engagement with cannabis:

    Begin with Caution: Always start low and slow. For those unfamiliar with cannabis or exploring novel products, commence with a small dosage and await the ensuing effects. The onset of effects can vary, spanning minutes to hours, particularly when dealing with edibles.

    Familiarize Yourself with the Product: Distinct cannabis items yield vastly different outcomes. For instance, the body processes edibles in a manner distinct from smoking or vaping, resulting in a delayed yet often more potent impact. Moreover, the strain of cannabis – Indica, Sativa, or hybrid – can also play a pivotal role in shaping the experience.Take your time to discover the unique dosage and strains that are right for your body. Using too much cannabis will decrease its desired effects and increase its unwanted side effects. Understanding your unique endocannabinoid response will ultimately maximize your therapeutic benefits without the negative side effects.

    Prioritize Nourishment and Hydration: Consuming cannabis on a full stomach can help regulate its effects, and maintaining proper hydration can counteract the dry mouth that sometimes accompanies its use.

    Secure Your Stash: Store cannabis products within a locked compartment, ensuring they remain inaccessible to children and pets.

    Refrain from Combining with Other Substances: Concurrent consumption of cannabis with alcohol or other substances can magnify effects and escalate potential risks, a practice strongly discouraged.

    Abstain from Driving While Impaired: Cannabis, akin to alcohol, can impair your ability to drive or operate machinery. If planning to partake, either designate a sober driver or utilize public transportation.

    Mind Your Well-Being: Certain health conditions might be aggravated by cannabis use. If pregnant, dealing with a heart ailment, or possessing a family history of psychosis, it is advisable to abstain from cannabis consumption.

    Keep in mind that every individual's interaction with cannabis is distinct, molded by elements such as personal biology, the product's type and quantity, and the chosen method of ingestion. It might take some time to identify the optimal approach and products tailored to your preferences. Always attune yourself to your body's cues and adjust your usage accordingly. A useful practice to stay connected with your body is a 'body scan.' A body scan involves taking a moment to focus your attention on each part of your body, from head to toe. This mindfulness exercise can help you become aware of any sensations or signals your body is sending you.

    Before consuming cannabis, perform a body scan to establish your baseline sensations. Pay attention to factors like your mood, energy levels, muscle tension, and any existing discomfort or pain. Post-consumption, a body scan can be equally valuable. Notice if you're experiencing changes in perception, relaxation, heightened sensory experiences, or any alteration in pain levels. Our staff is readily available to address any inquiries related to safe and conscientious cannabis utilization.

  • As the cannabis industry continues to grow and develop, novel and inventive methods of consumption are emerging, expanding the array of choices beyond the conventional act of smoking. Whether you're an experienced enthusiast or a curious newcomer, a spectrum of alternative ways to engage with cannabis while upholding responsibility is available:

    Edibles: Delving into cannabis-infused foods and beverages presents an appealing avenue for those inclined towards ingestion. Edibles extend the duration of effects and can be tailored to cater to diverse taste preferences.

    Tinctures: These liquids infused with cannabis are typically administered beneath the tongue. Tinctures facilitate precise dosing, swift absorption, and extended shelf life.

    Topicals: To address localized discomfort, contemplate the use of cannabis-infused creams, lotions, or balms. Direct application to the skin can assist in managing discomfort, inflammation, and various skin-related conditions.

    Capsules: In a manner akin to conventional medications, cannabis can be consumed in the form of capsules or pills. This approach ensures consistent dosing, offering a discreet and convenient choice.

    Beverages: Cannabis beverages are liquid concoctions infused with cannabis extracts, offering a refreshing and discreet way to consume cannabinoids. These beverages come in various flavors and formulations, from sparkling to soothing teas. With precise dosing and relatively quick onset times, cannabis beverages provide an enjoyable and controlled experience.

    It's imperative to recognize that each technique engenders a distinctive experience, with effects subject to factors such as individual tolerance and the specific product employed. Initiate with a conservative dosage, especially when either unfamiliar with cannabis or exploring a fresh mode of consumption. The expedition of cannabis consumption is a personal odyssey. Navigate it judiciously and uncover the method that best harmonizes with your requisites and inclinations.

  • Cannabis, celebrated for its versatile applications in both therapeutic and recreational realms, can elicit an array of physiological responses contingent on usage frequency and quantity. Grasping these varying reactions is imperative for the sake of responsible consumption. Our commitment to fostering secure and judicious cannabis use underscores the significance of acknowledging these potential considerations. Through a comprehension of tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal, we are better equipped to navigate the utilization of cannabis to harness its medicinal and leisurely advantages.

    Tolerance: Tolerance denotes a diminished response to cannabis that evolves over time due to consistent usage. This implies that users might necessitate larger doses to replicate the initial effects. While tolerance can manifest, it is generally reversible, often achievable through curtailed consumption or a temporary abstinence period known as a "tolerance break." If you do use cannabis long term, you can maintain sensitivity by taking sensitization breaks or tolerance breaks. To learn how, Dustin Sulak offers a free guide to help lead you on this journey.

    Dependence: Dependence denotes a state where discontinuation of cannabis use leads to discomfort or distress. Cannabis isn't typically regarded as one of the primary illicit substances associated with strong dependency patterns. Instead, the development of tolerance is more frequently observed. As a result, cannabis tends to possess a lower addictive potential compared to other substances.

    Withdrawal: Certain individuals might encounter withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuing cannabis use, particularly following prolonged and intensive consumption. Symptoms can encompass irritability, disturbances in sleep patterns, and reduced appetite.

    The evidence-grounded insights disseminated herein serve to enrich our community's discourse surrounding cannabis, promoting a climate characterized by safety, candidness, and reverence for this potent botanical entity. It's essential to grasp that every individual's interaction with cannabis is unique, thus ushering in a spectrum of effects that can span a wide range. For tailored guidance and additional insights, we advocate for seeking consultation from a healthcare professional or an adept cannabis specialist.

  • Recognizing indications and signs of improper cannabis use or abuse holds paramount importance for both individuals and their immediate circles. While cannabis holds potential therapeutic virtues, it's imperative to acknowledge that mishandling can potentially yield unfavorable consequences for one's overall health and well-being. Below, we outline plausible psychological indicators of substance misuse.

    Distorted Perception: Cannabis employment can give rise to modifications in perception, encompassing alterations in color, sound, time, and tactile sensations.

    Mood Fluctuations: Abrupt and inexplicable mood swings can serve as an indicator of cannabis use.

    Intense Anxiety or Paranoia: In certain instances, cannabis ingestion might heighten feelings of anxiety or paranoia.

    Impaired Judgment and Coordination: Usage of cannabis could lead to compromised fine motor skills, culminating in clumsiness or difficulties executing tasks reliant on coordination. Individuals under the influence of cannabis might make decisions that deviate from their customary behavior when sober.

    Altered Social Behavior: Observing shifts in social conduct, such as a shift in companionship or an elevated degree of secrecy surrounding activities, could signal potential concerns. Persistent cannabis use might engender reduced enthusiasm and waning interest in activities previously relished.

    Should you or an acquaintance exemplify these signs and indications, it could imply the presence of an issue. Substance misuse is a consequential matter, underscoring the necessity of pursuing professional assistance when deemed necessary. At SoulFlora, we collectively shoulder the responsibility of advocating for the judicious and secure utilization of cannabis. To gain additional insight, click here.

  • If you or someone you are acquainted with displays indications of substance abuse, SoulFlora strongly urges you to explore FindTreatment.gov. This resource can assist you in locating the assistance that is essential and rightfully yours. These service providers extend an array of treatments and interventions meticulously crafted to support individuals on their path to recuperation.

  • Exploring the world of cannabis can be an exciting journey, and we're here to help you along the way. To learn more about cannabis, its various strains, consumption methods, and potential benefits, we recommend diving into reputable educational resources. Start by checking out respected websites, such as Healer, and ProjectCBD. These platforms offer comprehensive information on cannabis, including its history, effects, and safety guidelines. By arming yourself with knowledge, you can make informed deciProjectCBD.sions and have a fulfilling experience with cannabis.